Demeter Land, an Australian-based world-renowned abstract expressionism artist who works to combine minimalisms and pop art for the development of a “contemporary Picasso” and “Cy Twombly” finished result, now announced she is offering both limited edition prints as well as open edition prints to further spread her artistic works with art advocates around the world.
Known as a trendsetter, symbolic, and uniquely positioned artist who explores the ideas of minimalism, black, and white, Demeter Land’s limited edition prints, ranging from $699 to $10,000 for collectors, and open edition prints for art lovers, are now officially available.
“Art appreciation and purchase is not just the game of the rich or the privilege of the elite,” said Demeter Land. “Any person who enjoys the art belongs to the elite.”
Demeter’s work in inspired by emotions, using painting language as a way to capture the moment and express a variety of personalities, feelings, expectations, dreams, and love. To date, she has been featured by 300 different media outlets, and continues to exceed expectations near and far to Australia.